What is obesity surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a series of surgical procedures used to treat extreme obesity.

Who are the candidates for obesity surgery?

Bariatric surgery is generally recommended for individuals with a body mass index over 40 or over 35 and who have obesity-related health problems.

In which types of obesity surgery is performed?

Obesity surgery is usually performed with different procedures such as sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass surgery and biliopancreatic diversion.

What are the risks of obesity surgery?

Potential risks of bariatric surgery may include infection, blood clots, nutritional deficiencies and post-operative complications.

 What kind of results can obesity surgery give?

Bariatric surgery can often help patients lose weight and reduce obesity-related health problems.

 What are the lifestyle changes after obesity surgery?

After obesity surgery, patients are recommended to change their eating habits, exercise regularly and continue regular follow-up checks.

 How does the follow-up process work after obesity surgery?

After obesity surgery, it is important for patients to regularly attend follow-up appointments with their doctors and follow medical recommendations.

 How does obesity surgery affect the weight loss process?

Bariatric surgery often helps lose weight quickly and effectively; However, it is important for patients to adapt to dietary and lifestyle changes.

 What are the diet and exercise recommendations after obesity surgery?

After bariatric surgery, it is recommended to continue a low-calorie, balanced diet and regular exercise program.

 How long does it take for obesity surgery to take effect?

The effects of obesity surgery may vary from person to person; However, significant weight loss can usually be observed in the first few months after surgery.

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MD, Mehdi Deniz